
My favorite subject

My favourite subject in this moment is English.

Learning to speak English is important because it´s the standar language of the world.When you know English you can communicate with people of diferent cultures easily and learn more about foreign countries too.

In the future, i want to... do a magister in a foreign country to improve my career,and this will be much easier if i speak english.

Many books, papers, new reports, and most pages in the web about veterinary are written in English, so if you know english you can have acces to almost all knowledge you want. Also, i have to mention that getting a job is EASIER when you speak English.

English is not a simple language for me to speak, but some of my friends have great hability with it. In my case, i get stuck in conversations cause i have difficulty articulating and often i have problems finding the right words too, So my friends help me when they can.

I call all the chilean people to learn this lenguage and never miss a class.

3 comentarios:

Cami del Campo dijo...

I think the same about english... I know is very important, but is a bit difficult for me...
Thanks God for animals!!! They can "speak" in all languages!

Eve.Carrasco dijo...

I love English!<3 but I don't know about how speak it.
On the other hand... If you like English: GO TO CLASS! lol

Miss dijo...

My favourite subject in this moment is English.

Learning to speak English is important because it´s the SP standar language of the world.When you know English you can communicate with people of SP diferent cultures easily and learn more about foreign countries too.

In the future, i want to... do a WW magister in a foreign country to improve my career,and this will be much easier if i speak CAPS english.

Many books, papers, new reports, and most pages in the web about veterinary are written in English, so if you know english you can have acces to almost all knowledge you want. Also, i have to mention that getting a job is EASIER when you speak English.

English is not a simple language for me to speak, but some of my friends have great SP hability with it. In my case, i get stuck in conversations cause i have difficulty articulating and often i have problems finding the right words too, So my friends help me when they can.

I call all the CAPS chilean people to learn this SP lenguage and never miss a class.

I'm surprised! well done, be careful with the spelling of some words ok?
i agree with Eve come to class!!