
Ideal job

First of all my dream job is to be a respected pianist, traveling around the world, playing with top orchestras, to be able to express myself by composing not only classic music but to experiment on all the styles to…and of course to be famous.
But unfortunately it's not going to happen, I have to set foot on earth, study very hard to be a professional in the future.
My ideal job in the veterinary area would be to take care of cows of different companies, how this system works?
You visit the patients, and see the possible diseases that can affect the cows, if they are able to and have the needed infrastructure for their welfare, that they aren’t being abused and mistreated. All this to avoid contamination and improve the quality of products, whether meat, milk, etc
You work half a day and the pay is pretty good. (About 150 thousand chilean pesos per visit). my mouth waters just thinking about it.
Well I would be my own boss, so if I get up of bad mood I don’t get to attend to anybody (LOL).
That's why I love this system of work.
I will save a lot of money, I'd like to be a businessman, so I’ll try to put a company of technology in production, and with all the time left over that I will have, I will have to do something fun, that’s why with a friend we were planning to put a club, but not just some random club, the biggest and most exclusive of Chile, where I'll be the resident DJ.
Well, these would be my dream jobs, a perfect mix between the medicine, the money, the rural thing, the city, and the show business.

Will I be able to achieve it? Although it sounds pretty wild, I believe that I will…

Dr Lambert or Dj Venta.


My favorite subject

My favourite subject in this moment is English.

Learning to speak English is important because it´s the standar language of the world.When you know English you can communicate with people of diferent cultures easily and learn more about foreign countries too.

In the future, i want to... do a magister in a foreign country to improve my career,and this will be much easier if i speak english.

Many books, papers, new reports, and most pages in the web about veterinary are written in English, so if you know english you can have acces to almost all knowledge you want. Also, i have to mention that getting a job is EASIER when you speak English.

English is not a simple language for me to speak, but some of my friends have great hability with it. In my case, i get stuck in conversations cause i have difficulty articulating and often i have problems finding the right words too, So my friends help me when they can.

I call all the chilean people to learn this lenguage and never miss a class.


The Crocodile Hunter

Stephen Robert Irwin (22 February 1962 – 4 September 2006), nicknamed "The Crocodile Hunter", was an important Australian television personality, wildlife expert, and conservationist. Irwin achieved worldwide fame from the television series The Crocodile Hunter, an internationally broadcast wildlife documentary series co-hosted with his wife Terri (née Raines). Together, the couple also co-owned and operated Australia Zoo, founded by Irwin's parents in Beerwah, Queensland.

Irwin died on 4 September 2006 after being fatally pierced in the chest by a stingray barb while filming in Australia's Great Barrier Reef.

When I heard Steve Irwin had died, I was on shock!

Poor Stever Irwin . After dealing with crocodiles and poisonous snakes, a stingray barb through the heart is truly a bizarre way to go. Despite some of the negative commentry about Irwin’s animal antics I believe he was truly a hero. Steve Irwin championed the unity of the world of nature and human world and bought it onto the TV screen for young and old alike.

His passion and enthusiasm must surely have been a catalyst to his success, and also an inspiration to many.